Click here for your MOMENT OF ZEN
Jolene Brackett – Trance Channel
Jolene is a practical and intuitive mentor, teacher and coach working with the Realm of universal consciousness. Her ability to connect to frequencies and dimensions effortlessly enables the channeling and transmission from the “Collective Consciousness” for her clients. She loves to dance on her own and drink champagne – because life should always be celebrated. Jolene brings joy to everyone she meets
Instagram: Jolene_lifeisunlimited/
Presentation : Channeling the Collective Conscious (Messages for 2025)
Link to Audio: (on Google drive)
Link to video (on Google drive)
Download the PDF below (download button bottom of file)
Dr Erin Raskin (aka Dr. Needles AyaPants)
Erin earned her degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1991. She also completed a four-month intensive study program in Tianjin, China. She is a licensed acupuncturist, professional speaker and health educator. She is Director, Inpatient Integrative Medicine at UCSD Center for Integrative medicine and on the faculty of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine since 1995. Erin’s unique and powerful wisdom blends together Eastern wisdom, the ancient tools of acupuncture, Ayurveda, herbs, homotoxicology, lifestyle counseling, nutraceuticals and nutrition to treat and prevent illness and to facilitate healing and balance in the body, mind, spirit.
Presentation: Here Comes the Sun – Understanding your body and how to stay cool during these days of heat!
(Audio / Video here)
Presentation: Preparing Your Body for the Rhythm of Fall
Erin audio here:
Video Link here:
Presentation: How to prepare your body for summer heat
Erin audio here:
Video link here: (Erin starts at about 4:20)
Presentation: Honoring the Rhythm of the SPRING season
Erin talk begins at 10:23
Video link Here:
Presentation: Honoring the Rhythm of the winter season
Video link here:
Presentation: All About your Chi
(recording here)
Presentation: The Truth about salt
(recording here)
Presentation: The fundamentals of Health – May 2022
(recording here)
Link to Slides:
Christina Solstad
Intuitive Coach / Healer / Abundance Coach / Writer / Photographer – Soul Sight Wisdom
Christina introduces “Soul Sight Wisdom” and offers a beautiful guided meditation – “What Does My Soul Want FOR Me Right Now? Here is the entire presentation:
This is the Guided Meditation only for you to download and use: (just right click and download)
Christian Gray
Senior executive with more than 30 years business development – specialist in psychedelics industry consulting and running companies. Heart-full knowledge, Connector, Resource collector.
An exceptional presentation about the state of psychedelics in our current environment. A wonderful and colorful presentation with insightful knowledge, commentary and extraordinary resources! Lots of visuals in the presentation – so recommend the video link!
Presentation Video Link here:
Resource Guide: Link to an EXCEPTIONAL resource guide for psychedelics – hand curated by Christian!
Audio Link below:
Athena Merriwether
Wisdom Keeper, Ceremonialist
The nature of violence (in all of it’s forms), how we relate inside of ourselves and the emotions and triggers inside of us. Audio below:
You can see the video here at this link:
Jolene Brackett – Trance Channel
Jolene is a practical and intuitive mentor, teacher and coach working with the Realm of universal consciousness. Her ability to connect to frequencies and dimensions effortlessly enables the channeling and transmission from the “Collective Consciousness” for her clients. She loves to dance on her own and drink champagne – because life should always be celebrated. Jolene brings joy to everyone she meets
Instagram: Jolene_lifeisunlimited/
Comp Discovery call: 416-200-0506 /
Presentation : Channeling the Collective Conscious (Messages for 2024)
Link to video (on Google drive)
Presentation : Channeling the Collective Conscious (Messages for 2023)
Stephanie Salt – Corporate Shaman / Intuitive / Tarot / Astrology
Salt is an international lawyer and seasoned business executive with more than two decades of experience in multinational and multidisciplinary arenas. She is a Corporate Shaman harmonizing empowered intuition to assist businesses achieve the Zen of corporate affluence leading to unparalleled mega success in the global market. As a strong empath, she merges meta-physical tools and business expertise to conduct financial, legal, and business energy assessments. She translates invisible currents that speak to life experiences as well as corporate challenges. She helps people understand important tasks, the cosmic timetable, implementation strategies, leading to a successful business or assessing one’s life purpose. / Mobile: 323-342-3327
Presentation: Understanding the Astrology of Spring & Jupiter / Venus Conjunction and Personal Tarot readings
Video here:
Soul Architecture – what it means to live in alignment with your fundamental nature – May 2022
(recording here)
Presentation: Preparing for upcoming planetary influences (Dec 2022)
Presentation: Current Potent Aspects of Astrology, Navigating the Influences and Preparing for the New Year (Nov 2023)
Video Link Here:
Larry Michel – Genetic Energetics / Relationship Coach
Larry is the founder of the Institute of Genetic Energetics, (the most powerful Personal Profiling System in the world) a Master ERP and host of The Love Matters Podcast. He’s a breakthrough relationship coach, author, trainer, speaker and producer. He is a masterful relationship coach and guide using proven techniques for enhancing relationships. More about Larry here:
Genetic Energetics –
Presentation: The fundamentals of Genetic Energetics and how they work for you (Dec 3 2022)
Link to presentation on drive:
Presentation: Deeper dive into your genetic profile and relationships
(recording here)
Scott Sallinger – Home / Life Design
Scott is a Lifetime entrepreneur and has worked in the design and build industry for the past 28 years. He is a craftsman, nature lover, and a collector of wisdom. His vision of the Home Life Design Method began 8 years ago with the release of his first book ‘Are You Home?’ The exploration of one’s self through home. It highlights the journey and growth of a person’s inside world, their Heart ; Expressed through their outside world, their Home. This was the birth of the HLD Philosophy ‘ Be the creator of your life and let your home environment support and reflect that.
Fast forward to today where Scott has found a recent problem that millions of people face, Effectively Working from Home. We give you the ‘12 Building Blocks for Successfully working from Home’
Home Life Design – ‘The 12 Building Blocks for Successfully working from Home
Video link here:
Fundamentals of a Nurturing Home (2022)
(recording here)
Rebekah Hall – Business & Sales Coach & Human Design
Rebekah “Bekah” is a sought after business coach and strategic business advisor. Rebekah Hall is a veteran business coach with over 15 years of experience and has worked with over 2500 companies. Her expertise is centered right in the middle of the action as an operations and systems expert. She spent 8 years running a company developing systems and processes around sales, marketing strategies, product development, revenue modeling, scalability, and leadership. Her ability to get to the root of the issue by laying out a strategic action plan has produced results time, and time again.
The Fundamentals of Human Design – how it can enhance your understanding of yourself
(recording here)
Rochelle Breedon – A wonderful and multi-talented goddess. Lawyer, Human Resources, Astrologer, Plant Lady, Wise woman, Herb specialist and SO much more. The epitome of sassy, spiritual, keeping it real, wise, witty grace! Rochelle is bringing her expertise in herbs and plant infusions to the group.
Rochelle is presenting on nourishing herbs / herbal infusions for all seasons to support our health and spiritual expansion. The first in her series is “Nourishing Herbs for Spring”
Link to Red Clover Information:
Link to Oatstraw Information
Link to Video here:
Link to Audio Below