Your heart knows the way, run in that direction.

This is critical information if you are interested in entheogenic / sacred medicines / psychedelics.  Whether you are new to medicine work or an experienced seeker – please use this information as an important guide.

In recent times – the availability of entheogens (a sacred plant that is ingested to produce a non ordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes) has become increasingly wide-spread.

Commonly referred to as “psychedelics” people are feeling called to participate in these ceremonies as a way of discovering more about themselves or healing past traumas or current physical concerns.
The good news is that more people are feeling a calling for expansion through working with master plant teachers. 

The not so good news – is that anyone who has access to these medicines believe they have the “expertise” to serve it.  The result is that in the hands of individuals who are not deeply connected to the medicine nor experts at guiding – more and more participants are having troublesome experiences and even traumas.

Not all medicines are right for all people… and different medicines are called for at different stages of expansion. (you wouldn’t take a pain pill when you need an antibiotic, right? Or go to a foot doctor when you have skin concerns) The same holds true for sacred medicines and the wisdom keepers who serve them.

Our “Finding Your Medicine” eBook will walk you through the different medicines, what to look for in a guide and experience and so much more.  A collaborative book featuring sincere Medicine Women and Men who walk with wisdom and the highest integrity.  (Winter 2024)


There is an abundance of quality information available on this topic. Resources here (coming soon)