Dr. Erin – Slide for Wellness Presentation (May 26 2022)

Jolene – Channeling January 2023 (Written Transcript)
Pt 1
(Jolene – before going into trance channeling)
So I asked spirit, because, you know, I was laughing to myself earlier that I never really planned for any talk that I’m going to give, because I can plan and they don’t usually let me say any much of what I say anyways. So I usually just say, Well, what do you want to say? What do you want them to know?
And what, what came through very clearly was this group – that you’re holding this capacity of love, but also the capacity of courage and strength, that, Dona, you and Mike, you hold this vessel for people to come in this year going forward, there is an immense amount of fear on the planet.
But because in we’re constantly hearing that, you know, there’s going to be a recession, we’re going into this winter period, and people are going to be losing things and all of this, there’s a huge, it’s like an injection of fear that people are going to be holding. And because of that, they want your group to really step into what faith is now.
So when people are holding fear, they want this group to start creating, and whatever that means, whatever that portal means for them.
So creating could be just mental thoughts, creating could be a book, creating could be something, something they make with their hands, it doesn’t matter. It’s creating. Because in order to raise the consciousness, there needs to be people of courage and people of power like this group has, that’s going to be in that portal to hold the energy.
And as was said, the two of you (Dona and Michael) are people that are going to be receiving more and more and more people – and you are the the portal masters of being able to hold the energy of that. And to expand beyond that – they’re telling me to be prepared, because it’s coming, it’s going to come in tsunami for you guys. So that energy that is happening is because there’s so much fear people are they’re going to be running, they’re going to just be looking to be saved somehow.
So to not look at fear as the negative, to look at what is happening as it’s going to, they’re using the word “erase” most of humanity’s ability to just go back to what they know, or to get into a habit, it’s going to affect them so greatly, that they’re going to have to look outside of themselves to shift because what they know is no longer working.
So they’re going to… it’s people like yourselves that have the capacity to hold such energy, that this is going to be coming in, in a much stronger way.
So I wrote this down, because they gave this to me this afternoon – When others are waiting because of fear and waiting to see what will happen. You should be creating an “audit”, who you stay connected with most of the time.
So they really kept stressing for your group to audit to make sure that where they are holding their energy is most important for their growth – is most important.
And it’s not just growth from like a humanity perspective. This is growth in the ethereal body, this is growth, this group is not together just because … you know, the book club was boring, or they decided they don’t want to run on a Thursday night.
This group is called together for purpose. Spirit has brought, everybody has aligned everybody for purpose with this.
So audit who you choose who you’re choosing to connect with, but equally audit what you choose to have around you. They’re saying, energetically your environment has to be – when I say clean, I’m talking about clean energetically with this….. is this in compliance with the ascension that I know is happening to me. And my working with the energies around me is what I have around me in alliance and compliance with that. So going into 23 You’re looking at the faith to be able to be the creative one.
So when people start saying, Oh, no, no, no, no, we’re going into recession, people are losing their jobs. Money is going to be tight…. all of these things…. You’re going to audit how much you choose to be in that energy. And if you can choose to be in not in it, that’s even better. Because people will try and pull you in.
Now this isn’t about the dark side. I don’t play in that field, that’s not even something I actually discuss. This is just a low frequency vibration that people want company, you’re not going to go there.
Your mission, your vision is for the expansiveness of all – so as I teach all of my clients, the four A’s, and it’s first of all Awareness. So you want that awareness of everything that is around you. And then acceptance of it. Now not acceptance, that it’s good or bad acceptance that it’s just happening. So if you walked outside, and it was raining, you’re not judging the rain, you’re just oh, it’s raining. That said, it’s end of story kind of thing. The next one that is most important is your alignment.
So when you’re auditing, you want to look at “what am I choosing to be aligned with”. And what you align with. The next one is allowance, you’re allowing that frequency. So when you check, and you’re not in alignment the way you want, then what is it that you have to do to shift it.
So shifting it, where I, quite often why people get so stuck in alignment is because of their two things, their biology, and their geography.
So their biology, the lineage of who they are, and how they’ve connected and kept certain habits, certain traditions, certain states of being, and their geography meaning where they where they came from, and where they presently live.
So in your alignment, knowing what you know, now, knowing who you are – the group that you’ve chosen to be. Now you’re going to check what needs to change and where to go to Dona and Mike, when you’re out of alignment.
When you don’t know, you don’t even know what alignment is- ask for guidance. Now, they’re telling you that all of you are very tapped into the ability of your own spirit guides. So just in being able to ask and your spirit guides or when you’re on medicine, when whenever that is that that your journeys are, make sure that you’re asking as you go in for that information to be received to come back.
This is going to be a monumental year for many, this group that’s going to hold the energy to be able to ascend and transcend past what most people are going to be suffering with, is going to be held in the collective.
So the more you gather together, the more you are together, your frequency remains.
And then it can keep climbing. So as I say to people, when they have channeling and I send the recording, make sure you listen to the recording often, because the frequency you’re building on it. So if you hear the recording the first time, you’re picking up information, but you hear it the second time, third time, 10th time, it’s like it’s a whole new session.
So being in this group, when you’re in this collective consciousness, Dona may say the same thing. But your awareness is expanding beyond. So what she says is going to hit different, your whole state of being is going to hit different. So you want to stay connected. She is an extremely wise woman who is very gifted. Mike is the alchemist that that I fell in love with when I when I met these two.
So your ability to be able to transfer this energetic alignment to the people that are brought forward. But for all of you that that are chosen, meaning you chose yourself and spirit is choosing you to do this work. The biggest thing is don’t be afraid this year. Don’t let any of the rumors they’re saying about what fear is, and about what can happen. Because in our in our minds, we can make it happen.
There will be people that will legitimately go broke or lose their business or lose their job or their house or whatever that will legitimately happen because they’re looking for it. Because our thoughts take form.
So they really want all of you to know that your faith over what is fear. And even with faith. It is just thoughts that we think. But if you’re going to think thoughts being on your earth walk in this human condition, then why would you not have thoughts of faith? So this is what they wanted to start with. So are there any questions just on that before we carry on?
(Group) Yeah, so what I’m hearing is there’s going to be a huge tide of fear that is going to be legit in a lot of ways, I mean that the masses are going to, but it’s it’s a matter of us carving or creating our own reality or are deciding on which energies we want to swim with, I guess.
Yeah. And with that, you know, I mean, as I say, it’s going to be real for people, because they’re, they’re creating their realities, right? So, for you, well, for everybody in this group… the most important thing, and this is what I do all the time, is, when I see somebody who’s in that kind of fear, and that kind of suffering struggle. I see them in the world that they’re creating. And if I’m not engaged with them, I’m just being observant of them, I just see that this is a world they’re creating, I don’t have to choose to be in it, I don’t have to choose to listen to it. I don’t have to.
I mean, I went through that when we had the whole COVID and the vaccines. And I chose not to be I had to go through that again. And again and again and again, with people that were trying to entice fear upon me and, and that I was, you know, I was the bad guy and all of that. And all I, I just had to hold that because I knew where they were coming from, I knew the level of where they were so.
So if it’s COVID, if it’s if it’s the recession, if it’s anything, they want you to all just be observant. So that’s the awareness piece. You are, you observe, you’re aware, and then you just accept -you accept that your, you know, next door neighbor or your brother or your best friend is like screaming how afraid he is because he’s going to lose his job. You accept in the sense that this is the level of where he is.
People will call you guys crazy. Because they’re there it to them, it doesn’t make sense why you’re not panicked. Because panic to them feels like there’s that they’re taking control. They’re in this state of control, and they’re making it look like it’s important.
And you guys are like, lean back. You guys are like, Okay, let me just continue on my path. Let me just continue on with the creation. So as in any recession, as in any, you know, hard times there are people that become extremely wealthy, Jeff Bezos will not complain about COVID. Amazon did. He did they did okay? They did okay, during COVID, right, there’s always going to be those people that have the capacity to hold an energy exponentially greater.
You are those people, you are those people, whatever that is for you. Remember that.
I’m getting goosebumps, they’re telling me to have you guys understand, remember that you are those people that can hold an exponential vessel for creative change for creative flow through you.
So when fear starts to show up in a greater and greater capacity, remember that you are faith. So your mantra is that – “I am faith. “
So the more you say that and you take that in everyday repetitiously I am faith, I am faith. I say that I say that all the time. I am faith. I am courage. I am Joy.
So the channeling now. I’ve been channeling now for just over 30 years. This was not something that I chose. It was not something that I trained to do. I was seeing a spiritual teacher, my own spiritual teacher, and we were working together and I used to live in, in Brooklyn, New York. And while we were doing our work I could feel this.
I could feel this energy except it wasn’t touching me. It was just it was like it was coming in my whole my whole field. But I didn’t know what to do with it. And finally my teacher – She’s passed. Her name’s Shawna – and she looked at me and she says, you know, Jolene, because she channeled and she says, you know, Jolene, Spirit wants to come through you. And I burst into tears. And I was just crying because I didn’t want her to think that I was trying to copy her. And I was crying, saying, you know, I’m not trying to copy you. And she laughed, and she said, Jolene, if Spirit wants to come through you that has nothing to do with me. She’s, they’re choosing you. She says the only thing I ask is that I’m the first one you channel for. So that’s how my my, my channeling started.
And I used to channel, Chief Seattle, actually. And that was my first Spirit Guide that came through. And now it’s a Collective Consciousness. So when I’m channeling it’s to the level to the frequency of either the person or the group, to the to that level of what you’re going to be able to expand beyond, but not so much so that you would, you know, walk away wondering what the heck was that all about.
So, the collective will come in to each person, I don’t call anybody in, I believe that Spirit calls all of you in, I was invited to this, because Spirit is bringing us all together. Because there’s something that all of you need to know moving forward. So this is this, we may have shown up, but it wasn’t our doing, we are being brought together because Spirit wants to work with you.
They want you all to know that there’s something greater that’s coming for you – that that you’re here collectively, because this group has a consciousness far superior than what’s happening on the outside. And that’s not about ego. That’s about the connection to your own sense of sense of spirituality.
So I have no idea what’s coming through – as I say to people, your sessions are you know, they’re very confidential even I don’t know. So when am trance channeling, so I don’t remember anything after the sessions are well, when I’m coming out because I’m still in that energy. I might, but within an hour, it’s all gone. So truly, Spirit is speaking to you. Spirit is guiding you.
There are some new people – will you speak to the voice and the cadence they may experience
So I’ll speak to that. When I’m channeling I’d like to go off video – just so that I don’t want you guys looking I want your senses to be fully into being able to receive. The other reason why I go off video is sometimes when I’ve done zoom, and I’ve tried to use video, then the recording has stopped for some reason. And that’s happened on more than one occasion. And then the clients have been disappointed. So I just I just stopped the video part of it.
So we will take three deep breaths together. I light some sage on my end and we’re going to do three deep breaths all together. On the third breath, you’re going to posit your heart you’re just going to feel expansiveness before it so you’re bringing it from your root up to your crown. And then I’m just going to say a little prayer and then spirit is going to come through now. My voice does change – I think it sounds masculine some people think – it doesn’t that doesn’t really matter. It changes because the energy is so strong that it’s my voice box is just trying to hold the energy that’s the only reason why it’s changing.
Your life is called your “earthwalk” so when they say on your earth walk they’re talking about your life. They may say mate, that’s if you’ve got your significant others so they may say to you -they will use the word mate. There is somewhat of, I guess you would call it an accent, I don’t think it’s a Canadian accent but I don’t know it’s a it’s a very strong and you you’re not gonna have any problem hearing it comes in very forceful. Mike, you always say it’s like trying to take a drink out of a firehose. It’s like it comes in with A lot of force. So, you’re, you’re not going to have any problem hearing it.
Now, spirit in the very beginning is just going to start talking – I again, I have no idea what they plan on saying – there is no concern with you guys having to ask any questions right off, Spirit will just start talking. When Spirit is talking, I would ask that nobody be speaking, because I’m holding the energy to keep passing it through when spirit says what is it that you question? don’t know, Dona, is there a system you want to use? If somebody wants to put their hand up? Or how do you want that to?
why don’t we have just raised the hand that way? And if you have a question, just raise your hand and we’ll say go
Yeah. Okay. The only thing I ask is that if there’s not a huge pause when Spirit says “what is it that your question?” Because I’m holding the energy. So if if wild spirit is coming through and you think of a question and then it can just be more fluid back and forth. Other than that, there will be you know, when you feel complete, then they will thank you and I will come back in. And we can you can ask any questions and we can close off with that. So, any any questions from that part?
We can leave our cameras on Yes. You just turn your camera
Yeah, absolutely. I’m just going to shut mine off and then when I come back on, for any questions.
Okay, so I’m going to just turn this off. Oh, if you if you’re wearing a watch or a Fitbit or Apple watch anything like that if you could just take that off and put it beside you please … and I’m just gonna like this sage this.
Somebody in your group … is there a new baby or somebody pregnant in your group? Or is there anybody that knows? Because they’re showing me a new baby to this group. There’s a baby that’s either coming or there is a child …
(Jolene prayer)
Breathing in and release and breathing in and release and breathing in pausing at your heart and release the God I asked to be up Your channel in love and light this site for this group. I ask that the information that comes through be given with clarity and direction. I ask as they are entering into this portal into the portal of what we know, as 2023 that they be given the guidance, given the direction of fulfilling their purpose, fulfilling their ascension rites, filling their connection to their souls journey that they be given that of the understanding that their egos are now being directed through that of the soul, that the soul is now ascending into dimensions far beyond that of their Earth walk far beyond that of the third dimension.
And that they are guiding, they are guiding lights to humanity to raising the consciousness of humanity, I ask that the blessings that come for Dona and Mike, to be able to hold the vortex and the capacity of what is coming forth for them, that their bodies be in a healing mode at all times. And that they too ascend into the DNA that’s far beyond that of their Earth walk, I asked this through the grace of God Amen.
We say to you that of the understanding of your enormity in this group, this of the understanding that as you’re entering into this portal of what you call your time space balance of 2023, it is going to be that understanding that there must be an equilibrium that happens within your being – that of the understanding that your “humanness” is now going to be entering into a place that your spiritual aspects of such – that of the understanding of your education model, that of the understanding of all the information that is now going to be transmitted to you, downloaded into you, into your sleep time… We would say to you all that it is most important for you to honor that of your sleep time in these next three months to be able to have that of some recording device, because you’re sleep time is going to be activated in a much more prophetic way.
We say to you that of the understanding of the of the of the enormity of your worshipness,
that of the worshipness of what you do, your purpose, your creativity, that of what you are putting your energetics into.
We are saying to you that we want for you to be in the blessings of such, to be in the blessings that your own spirit guides are choosing you to be that of the catalyst for the change of the people that you choose to be around. You are the light force energy, you are the guiding light force energy for many.
This group has been chosen to be the catalyst – like that of the crystal skulls that were planted in this of your Earth formation. For the crystal skulls that hold that at the proximity to all of your earthlings to all of the lands to that of relaying that of the grids on your earth walk. You are the catalysts and you’re going to be able to pick up the frequencies of many things.
The crystal formations that are going to come into the power of who you are and the Beingness – you will be able to walk into certain rooms and see that of certain icons, certain talisman that you’re going to be able to hold and pick up the frequencies of what is.
You’re going to be healers and have the capacity to be able to lay your hands on your own body and start healing in a capacity that has not yet been in a frequency within your own understanding.
We say to you children, children of the Gods, children of that of the Light, we say to you children – give birth to that of the understanding (as this one already said) that the faith of your journey is going to be dependent on that of how much you can release, release release.
The faith of your journey is that of the audit of what you are choosing now to capitalize on- on your earth walk. The faith of your journey is such that you are going to be able to wake up and remember that of the calling of why you came to be. The faith of your journey is such that you will coalesce in that of your group and you will be able to speak in that of a harmonious effect that the healing will take place.
We say to you children, that of the capacity to be able to have this frequency that is going to be opening up your crown chakra and is going to be laid within this if your heart centers, we want for you to feel it in the capacity that you know such in this moment- in this moment in this moment.
Be in the groundedness and we ask of you now to, as you will walk in that of your bare feet on your earth to be able to bring that of the earth’s core through you and to be able to ascend to that through the crown, and you are going to meet and that of your heart center. And it’s going to be the Merkaba energy poured out.
Children we say to you such, this is the blessing of divine timing and this of who you are and why you came to be and what you chose for your destiny, what you chose from this moment on, and that of the capacity to have the wealth consciousness and such. Each and every one of you is going to be given the opportunity to increase that of a wealth consciousness within your being – for the understanding that this earth walk, at this time, was meant for those beings to have and to hold that the capacity for the frequency of what you call currency, what you call money.
We say such because it is in that of the fear aspects that are going to be entering in – in a more in a more volume this way and that of the capacity of humanity.
Now, you are going to know as you expand beyond, expand beyond, expand beyond what the true essence of currency is what the true Law of Attraction is. Understand that as you release, you are opening yourself up to be in the receptive mode. So now you all will go into feminine energy, you will all go into that of being able to practice what feminine energy is and we would say to you such – focus on this for your year, focus on this each, each time you gather together that the feminine energy of receptivity is such that that is the currency model that you will be able to receive.
When one is capable of holding that of the receptivity, one can transmute the energy into whatever one chooses to be able to proclaim and such. Be in the receptive energy of that of the feminine aspects of such for the feminine can transmute that of the seed into that of life form.
Each one of you must be able to hold that of the feminine energy and the capacity to expand beyond, beyond, beyond, beyond. And we will work with you to be able to capitalize on your earth walk but it will be in purposeful form. Children we say to you – this of the capacity to hold greater understanding.
It is within the collective consciousness of all, that you are going to be able to transfer this of the understanding of who you are and go beyond into dimensions far greater than this and what you’ve even understood so far.
Your frequencies that for some of you are very Lemurian connected and others there is that of the Atlantean connection. And yet others you are going into that of the Ascended tables, to sit at the ascension and ascended table of those of the great masters. We say to you, it is in this understanding, that as you are opening up to the feminine aspects of creativity, the feminine aspects of receptivity, then the masculine can take and perform.
So we ask of you children to be in this of the capacity of holding the faith, of holding that of the nuances of what that is. Realize this is the capacity of love and all things love – and the understanding that there is only that of love that can be able to encompass all of what you are enduring through this of your earth walk.
So now we will say to you such: this of the understanding that in your mind that those of the thoughts we would love to release into that of the past memory.
You only have but two aspects of your being, you have one of memory or you have one of inspiration. Memory will only take you back to your past.
From this moment forward, let you be inspired, that all of your thoughts always go to that of inspiration, something greater, something abundant, something more prosperous, for that of yourself and everybody around you that you choose to be in your collective.
Those of your memories – are going to take you into the thought forms that are going to ask of you to be able to dismember this – of something within your memory bank. And we say dismember, because humanity loves to engage in something that of struggle and something of suffering.
Remember children that you have memory and you have inspiration – and it is now time for you to use your fate, and that of the inspirational thoughts, that now you are going to create and go into the feminine model of receptivity. You will transmute that of what you choose to bring in.
So now, your thoughts moving forward are going to be – “what will I transmute this energy into?” “what will I hold that is malleable into that of the form of my creation?” “What am I giving in service so that I may receive again – because every time you give out, you’re opening up space within your being to receive receive.
Children, this is your time, this is that of the elements that are all working with you. We say to you, in the glory of all that is – it is your time to be able to prosper. And in so doing, you are going to give to humanity, to humanity in a consciousness shift.
What is it that your question?
So for those who are working at the Ascended Masters level, it’s or a certain area that’s being called forth on the planet for them to assist in the 3d.
It was of the Ascended Masters – are looking at that of the understanding that (as was already stated), their work is to hold the elevation of the fear and the fear model of what humanity is, is going to be pronouncing and that of every aspect of their being, in their cellular structure. The Ascended Masters are redesigning the DNA in humanity, the Ascended Masters are looking at that of the construct of that of humanity. And it is ascending into that of a more spiritual aspect of being – such as yourself.
You and the Ascended Masters of yourself, where you know this to be true. And this is your question, you know this to be true of your own DNA, you know, this to be true of that of your own walk, for you are not the being that was, you are not the being that was already walking to this place in this time… this of your own ascension and this of the walk that you will do going forward – is going to be an ascension into that of the ultimate aspects of being able to be the creative force on your earth work.
We say to you, those of the ascended masters that are shifting the DNA, and many that are doing the healings and many that are creating that of an ascension model, and transcending many, there are many that are going to be leaving your planet, there are many that are going to be departing from your planet.
And think this not of something that is of sadness or that is of fear. Think of that as in those of Ascended souls are being transported now into that of another dimension for their time on Earth as who they were as complete.
Those that are being born into this of your earth walk. The Ascended Masters have chosen many souls to raise the consciousness of humanity for much of your humanity is in the suffering model.
So we say to you, dear one, this is of the ascension within your own being and your own heart center and that of your own aspects of such, you know who you are and why you came to be. You know, in the Christ consciousness of all such and you know that you will be in this, of the accordance of that of the Ascended Masters table. Go into that of your journeys and sit with the Ascended Masters – for this of the laws of what you were given are going to be forthright in this of the walk that you do on your earth.
We say to you we are honored in this of your question. We are honored that you chose to be on this of your earth walk at this time. But there’s some of the information that is coming through you is going to also be coming through you with Archangel Gabriel’s information. Be open to this because he is giving most information for you to be able to access in this what you call your business.
The Ascended Masters are wishing for those beings, at this collective consciousness at this time, for all of you to be able to understand that your DNA is starting to shift. Think not that when you feel your aches and pains that it is necessary for you to go running. Understand that there are aches and pains because you are releasing, releasing, releasing and be in the receptive feminine model to be able to release and let go. It is like that of the woman who becomes pregnant as she goes into her pain body – she knows that she is giving birth she is going to release. She does not run and think that she needs to fix it ….she gets her support so that she can create light outside of her.
So we say to you that of the Ascended ones. As to you, dear brother, this of the ascension that is now happening is happening through you, it is happening for you and it is happening for you to be able to give to others. We thank you in your honoring of such question What is it that you question?
Spirit My question is about my body’s fight or flight response. I’m asking Spirit to guide me in how to clear this from my DNA. And including the shame that comes from that response.
We say to your child, that of shame on your planet is that of the greatest, the greatest misunderstanding on your planet – in the aspects that one looks at it as something that is just shameful and one should get over it. We say to you, shame is in the core of most beings on your planet. There are very few, other than those that are born into the new millennium of time, that do not reproduce shame. So your flight or fight, whose response is very common in that of humanity, because shame is in that of everything that is felt that is not love.
So in order for you to be able to shift it – one must be able to understand why shame exists within your being. Why shame chooses to be in the thought form, that you look for it outside of yourself.
So we say to you such – when shame is in that of the understanding that there will be shame upon myself, it is only because I am thinking that there is an external force that would be given to me. There’s an external force by somebody that would judge upon me, or a group that would judge upon me, that of what I have done. For shame can not exist in that of the soul body, the soul mind when nothing else is around.
So when you go into your flight or fight – you ask of yourself, “and what is it that I am doing that I think somebody would shame me?” And even in so doing, nothing can be shameful if you choose not to hold that of the element of shame within your being.
But shame is a construct of the mind. Shame is that of an understanding and that of the lower chakra centers that you are not wanted, you are not worthy of love. So instead of being in your heart, you go into that of the lower aspects of yourself, and you feel that of a block and you feel like you want to either run away, or you fight for that of what it is “that feels like” freedom.
We say to you, child for all of humanity. Shame is that of the biggest crutch – that is humanity’s understanding as to why they hide, why they choose to go into waiting, why they choose procrastination as your word is. When one is in shame, one is always in hiding, one never bears their truth.
But in order to truly release shame, one will tell their story of what is… and until you tell your story of what is, shame will forever reside within the human condition, because there are many others that would love to judge. They judge, because they too have shame. So now the story disposes itself.
So we say to you, to this group: there is no resolving of anything any longer. In this group, when you have the understanding of a challenge, you do not resolve it, you dissolve it!
You take it and you dissolve it into the nothingness that it is. You dissolve it into that of the ethers, you dissolve it into that of the “pixelation” of a word that no longer has the existence and a formation of a word. Into the pixelation of what the feeling would be – the emotion that you give a word to ..into the dissolving of such that it no longer holds form.
You dissolve it into the understanding that the only true essence of purity, is that of love, and the pure state of joy and in spirit of. We say to you, shame for you child, is that of the construct of your mind. For you have judged yourself harshly for who you are, as others have done so. And you keep yourself in accordance with how little you are … meaning such that you are too afraid to be the fullest expression of who your soul came to be.
So you shame yourself into that of the corner of your life. So you can be in control of staying small. We say to you child, that your aspect of self “blossom” now. Let the aspect of yourself be received in such that you give birth to yourself. You give birth to the fullest expression, for when that of the infant comes into form, and when that of the infant comes into that of the Earth walk… it knows not of shame. It knows not of anything other than the divinity of divine love that it came through.
And yet shame is the residual effects of most of humanity, based on what they feel because it was given to them and it was reminded of them. They were in constant remembrance of what they did.
So now child, we say to you release, release, release – for it no longer is yours and release it.
We would say to you this would be a good exercise for all beings. That when you write down what your shame is and you hold it – and feel that part of your body that you feel it most connected with. Then you tie it to that of a string, and have that of another being – a loved one- hold the other side and cut the string.
As you see the cord now being cut away from the shame that you felt, it is no longer being within you, you are cutting it away from your body. You are cutting it away that it no longer is in the existence and in the realm of your humanity.
We say to you, shame exists in memories, shame is never inspirational, shame can never live in that of the future. It can only live in that of what was in the past.
So we ask of you, why would you choose the past instead of the blessings of all that is coming – when you choose to be in the inspiration and the joy of your destiny? Live not in your history, but choose the destiny of all that you are in your collective. Is this understood?
We say to children, this is the greatest healing that will happen on your planet, if humanity could release their shame. For in that of the element of shame, and then the one would look at upon that is blame. You would be able to release that of the constructs of the littleness that you are … and the pure divine devotion to that of your soul and the blessings and the enormity of light that you are would come through.
We are working with this one in her own shame and that of her history. And we have pronounced unto her that in order for great abundance to come, one must release shame. So we say to you as well.
On your earth walk, many wish to have great prosperity. You call that on your earth walk, “I want to be rich. I want to be wealthy”. And we will say to you – that true divine wealth and prosperity on all levels will never exist if you hold shame. You may make a lot of money but you will not be in a total wealth aspect of being.
But for some you won’t even make a lot of money because the aspect of shame is taking up that of the connection to all that could be received. You garner that of shame to fill your being more than you garner that of currency to be able to flow to you, and through you, so that you can elaborate in any capacity that you choose.
If you truly wish to be prosperous, if you truly wish to be wealthy, then let your shame go.
Look at all of the aspects of your shame so that you carry not this burden, this heaviness this darkness that you choose to hide behind – yet you say ..oh I want to receive….
We ask of you children, how will you receive if you’re so busy hiding? You must be open to the aspects that shame can no longer live in the jurisdiction of your thoughts.
What is it that you question?
So shame is in a sense projected onto you. That’s what I’m hearing Spirit is that correct? And what other type of feelings or expectations might be projected onto us that we must be aware of?
Shame would be what would be that of the greatest aspect of, of darkness we would say. Darkness meaning that you have hidden yourself because of shame. It was projected onto you. But because it was projected onto you, you took it as part of your identity. You took it as part of who you are. And because that was so essential to your well-being, that you were going to work around it and manipulate your life around it so that you could still be accepted, you could still be loved. You forgot who you were and that of the essence of the soul’s connection. You forgot what you came to be because you were so busy living in that of the shameful aspects and not trying to produce more that you kept producing more. You kept looking for it because it was being held within you.
On the Earth walk, humanity must understand that when you are hiding from anything, it must be produced because you are hiding from it.
It must be produced in the grandest ways because you need to hide – so it’s another place to hide. And the reason why many become into that of your addictions in various forms – is because the hiding is becoming so difficult that you choose to anesthetize yourself while you’re hiding.
Now you ask of yourself – well, will it free me of such? You don’t need to stop your drinking and your drugs and all of that – I’m not saying that it isn’t healthy on your earth walk. But stop your shame. Stop your your dissemination of your own mind, and that of who you are, and go on. And going up against that of what you’re so keen to be – that you’re always deconstructing that of yourselves.
If you can do your work around such – your whole lives will change. That of the ascension of everything that you choose to do is going to be illuminated far greater than any capacity of taking a course or reading a book or anything. You will save yourself so to speak. And through such now Spirit gets to work with the humanness in that of the Earth walk …. and be able to produce more through you, the law of attraction can give more to you.
Many say I don’t believe in such a law, because I’ve tried and nothing works. And they are so busy hiding with shame. And they’re so busy casting blame that the law of attraction is waiting on them so that they can give.
But when you’re too busy working on shame and blame, you will never see what’s being delivered to you. So we say in the aspect of such – work first on shame, because most everything else will disappear.
When one is casting jealousy, it is because they are shameful that they don’t have enough, that they aren’t that person that they are, that they don’t have that thing…. when one is casting blame it is because they feel like they are not enough and they don’t want to take that in accordance to something else. Because now that blame is personal – it turns into shame.
This is the journey of your work so that when there is faith that is now pronounced in a greater way, Shame does not live with faith. Have faith that you will release all of shame. This is understood as a collective group?
Can you talk more about faith and how to achieve it best.
We say to you that of the principle of faith, as well as was said when you were starting to do your work around your humanness, it is conditioned in your earth walk that your mind loves to go to your memory base…. loves to go to all of the things that are broken within your mind.. broken within that of what you call your life, your earth walk.
So in that, you are looking at the parts of the principles that don’t work. We are saying that faith is …..that you need not try to ask how, you need not try to figure out all of the principles and steps, (as we have trained this one), as not how are asked not what should we talk about, just be present that you know in the faith of all things that it flows through you.
So all she had to do was sit here and be open with that of her ability to use her voice box. She does so very well even when we don’t come through. She likes to do this very much.
So we say to you such … in this of the aspects of yourself – knowing in that of your ability to have faith. Let us say to you …. That the lifeforce energy is never ending. Lifeforce energy will forever be flowing. As was stated through this one, there will be those that go into suffering and there will be those that create greater wealth beyond belief. There will be those that have extreme health and there will be those that have the decrepitcy of their cellular connection.
Everything is going to be based on that – of the balance of life. Faith is such, that as you hold that – and have an understanding that all things are being put through you, put through you – meaning from that of the crown chakra, being able to be transported into this of your earth walk. That all you have to do is honor that of your physicality in the highest form.
So, in this, in this time of what you call your year, we want for you all to pay the highest respects to your physicality, because without your physicality, your soul has no home. Without your physicality, your ability to be able to prosper is going to be in a misunderstood way -because you won’t be able to achieve much. Without your physicality, Spirit has no ability to be able to channel through you all of the capabilities for you.
Without your physicality, you are going to only live in a predictable fashion, you will never go into the quantum field of possibility. Faith is that the possibilities are always available to you…. But what humanity does is they wish to play in the field of predictability.
So let us say to you such – faith is not in having security. Faith is not in making sure that you are having certainty with everything. Because with security and certainty there is scarcity.
Humanity does not understand that your walk with that of security means that you are always striving for security. But in your mind, there must be scarcity in order to have security. Or if there wasn’t, if there wasn’t the scarcity, then everything would be fine. You wouldn’t even need the word, you wouldn’t even be projecting that of making sure that everything is certain and predictable.
Faith is in the uncertainty of life. Faith is in the uncertainty in the quantum field, that everything is yours…. And all you have to do is open yourself up to perceive, to be an energetic match.
Faith is that the channel that comes through this one comes through you. Faith is that you were called forth to hear this message. And you didn’t do anything other than show up.
Faith is that that lifeforce energy that flows and has flowed through the continuum of time – will forever be flowing – it matters not the dissemination of the Earth, or planets or anything, the Earth is only that of a conglomeration of minerals and all aspects and atoms, such as your own being.
Faith is that you are equal to that of everything that you project into your mind, that you can conjure up. But your humanity, your ego says, but I look for the predictability of my life, let me be certain. We say to you, children play in your uncertainty. And that is where the volumes of wealth come from.
Play in the uncertainty that you know, with faith as you walk in, that something will be revealed to you, you will need not have all of the security, everything laid out, you will only need to know that Faith is that of the transformation of energy being poured through you. There are those of you that sit this day, that we are seeing into that of the mind’s eye, that you’re going to be able to start projecting into that of the stratosphere – that of your own projections and you will start to receive receive receive, receive.
There are those that are sitting in the room this day that are going to be able to start seeing the psychic connections of all that is coming.
Faith is that you are, Faith is that everything that ever existed is you, everything that will ever exist is you, and that you in the shameful way thought of yourself as less.
Faith is that you are loved. Faith is that you ARE love.
Faith is what your soul waits for, for that of the of the expectancy of greatness, when the ego chooses to let go.
Children, you gathered here this day because this is the ascension model that is working through you – is going to continue for the next months. This of your body being able to shift into different frequencies is going to be part of what is happening.
We are honored on your passage that you said yes to this moment. We are honored that you are holding the transmissions and that you will carry them with you again and again and again.
We are honored that you asked of us to come forth yet again and we are honored that you will be able to project into this of your earth walk – and for humanity all that you are!
In the grace of all that is – we say to you – hold faith and all that will be – because much is coming for each and every one of you. We thank you for this time and we will speak with you again and we thank you.
So many blessings. The baby you spoke of showed up on this call today – do you have a message for her?
We are saying to you – this of the child that holds the heart center that is the twin flame of the heart center that is Christ consciousnesses.
We are saying to you that of the child – that the child has great connection to the Christ Consciousness –
The child is that of what we will call an “ephipanal moment” for that of humanity to understand what is going to come through this child. This child is going to walk amongst that of many – and to be able to shift the consciousness of many.
We are saying that this child is going to be looked at with that of an illumination in the auric field. This child is going to have that of the understanding of her third eye opening at an early age – and to be able to start disseminating that of information that is given and put into clarity.
It is most important for this child to be protected in that of the understanding that other children with not understand
We are saying protected in the aspects of allowing her to be speaking freely, to allow her to be able to be herself, for she is the training center for many on the earth walk.